Monday 9 April 2018

10 Things That Happen to Your Body If You Walk Every Day

Have you ever heard the saying by Hippocrates, “Walking is a man’s best medicine?” We’d go further by stating that walking combined with good sleep and a healthy diet can help you avoid the doctor altogether. As little as 15-30 minutes of walking every day can drastically improve not only a person’s overall appearance but health as well.
We at Bright Side were astonished to find out that kind old walking is a single practice which could significantly benefit the whole body and mind. It’s free, easy and requires little effort.
We’ve created a list of benefits you can literally walk yourself into.

1.   Positive brain changes

As a study reveals, low impact aerobic exercises, like walking, prevent early dementia, reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and improve overall mental health. Not to mention cutting psychological stress and maintaining a higher level of endorphins.

2.   Improved eyesight

Even though eyes might seem like the last thing to be connected with the legs, walking actually benefits their health too. It may also help to fight glaucoma by relieving eye pressure.

3. Prevention of heart diseases

According to the American Heart Association, walking is no less valid than running when it comes to the prevention of heart-related disease or stroke. This activity helps avoid heart problems by lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and improving blood circulation.

4. Increased lung volume

Walking is an aerobic exercise which increases oxygen flow in the bloodstream and helps train your lungs, as well as eliminate toxins and waste. Because of better and more in-depth breathing, some symptoms associated with lung disease may also be relieved.

5. Beneficial effects on the pancreas

It might be hard to believe but walking for exercise turns out to be a much more effective tool in preventing diabetes than running. This research shows that a group of “walkers” demonstrated improvement in glucose tolerance almost 6 times greater (i.e. how well blood sugar is absorbed by cells) than that of a group of “runners,” over a 6 month trial period.

6. Improved digestion

30 minutes of walking every day could not only lower the risk of colon cancer in the future but improve our digestion and constipation by helping to regulate our bowel movements.

7. Toned muscles

Muscle tone and weight loss (in overweight cases) may also be achieved through walking. The practice of walking 10,000 steps a day may be counted as an actual workout in a gym, especially if you add some intervals or walking uphill. Additionally, it’s low impact and there’s no recovery time, which means no sore muscles and regrets for missing tomorrow’s workout due to being too sore the next day.

8. Sturdier bones and joints

Walking can provide more joint mobility, prevent loss of bone mass, and even reduce the risk of fractures. The Arthritis Foundation recommends walking moderately at least 30 minutes a day on a regular basis to reduce pain in your joints, along with stiffness and inflammation.
9. Back pain relief

Walking may become a real life-saver for those who experience back pain during more challenging high-impact exercises. Since it’s a low-impact activity, it won’t cause more pain or discomfort, like running or HIT would. Walking contributes to better blood circulation within the spinal structures and improves posture and flexibility which is vital for a healthy spine.

10. A calmer mind (if it was an organ, to be sure)

If walking improves depression symptoms in patients with primary depressive disorders, just imagine how quickly it could help us cope with feeling down or exhausted. And a joyful walk with a friend or a loved one will only multiply the happy-effect and improve your mood!
We’d love to hear if you have ever tried to substitute a trip to the gym or a run, with walking. Tell us in the comments below if it worked miracles for you or not?


Wednesday 7 March 2018

5 Foods Proven to Boost Fertility


It's no secret that tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene, an important antioxidant that helps rid free radicals from the body. When free radicals are present, they can cause females and males to experience difficulty in nearly every step of the reproductive process. Since male infertility is often not addressed, it's important to note that recent studies have shown lycopene to be a high nutrient that assists with sperm viability.


Plant Protein

Protein is an essential macronutrient, essential in the body to build and repair tissues, bones, cartilage, hair, skin, and blood, as well as forming enzymes and hormones. Research from the Nurses' Health Study has revealed that plant-based proteins show some protection against ovulatory infertility compared with animal-based proteins. I'm not saying throw in the towel on those lean beef burgers, but definitely, consider swapping them out more frequently for delicious plant-based options

Whole Grains

Whole grains provide complex carbohydrates that help regulate your blood sugar. When your diet is high in refined carbohydrates, like those found in white bread, sugary cereals, and sweet treats, your pancreas has to release the hormone insulin to normalize blood sugar levels. Research has shown that high concentrations of blood insulin increase ovulatory infertility in females. 

Whole Milk

Did you know that incorporating one or two servings of full-fat dairy products (milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese) may offer protection against ovulatory infertility? Yes, findings from the Nurses' Health Study have shown that opting for full-fat dairy options while trying to conceive may increase your chances of success. When fat is removed from dairy, it alters the balance of sex hormones that in turn affect your chance of ovulation and conception. It's important to note that with the full fat come more calories, so be sure to include a varied and balanced diet while making the switch to whole milk. 


Besides being low in sodium, calories, and fat (high to add to meat-based dishes to improve their health profile), mushrooms also provide essential nutrients like vitamin D and selenium. White mushrooms that have been treated with UV-exposed light actually equip over 100 percent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin D. Recent research shows vitamin D not only improves chances of achieving pregnancy for women undergoing in vitro fertilization, but also improves sperm quality, testosterone concentration, and overall fertility outcomes in males as well. 

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Thursday 1 March 2018

Purified vs Distilled vs Regular Water: What’s the Difference?

Optimal water intake is essential for your health.
Every cell in your body needs water to function correctly, which is why you must continuously hydrate throughout the day.
Most people know how important water intake is, but some are confused over the best type of water to drink.
This article investigates the differences between purified, distilled and regular water to find out which one is the best choice for hydration.
Purified water is water that has been filtered or processed to remove impurities like chemicals and other contaminants.
It is usually produced using groundwater or tap water.
Through purification, many types of impurities are removed, including:
·        Bacteria
·        Algae
·        Fungi
·        Parasites
·        Metals like copper and lead
·        Chemical pollutants
Several methods are used to purify water commercially and in the home.
In most Western countries, public drinking water is purified to make water safe for human consumption.
However, standards for drinking water around the world vary and are typically based on governmental regulations or international standards.
In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that over 2.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water.
In countries that purify public drinking water, various treatment methods are used to make water safe, including:
·        Coagulation and flocculation: Positively charged chemicals are added to water to bind with negatively charged particles so they can be filtered out. This forms larger particles called floc.
·        Sedimentation: Due to its larger size, floc settles to the bottom of the water supply, separated from the clean water.
·        Filtration: The fresh water on top of the amount then flows through numerous filtration systems made of sand, charcoal, and gravel. This removes contaminants like dust, bacteria, chemicals, and viruses.
·        Disinfection: During this step, chemical disinfectants like chlorine are added to the water to kill any remaining bacteria or viruses that may have survived the first few steps.
It’s important to note that water may be treated differently depending on the area and quality of the local water.
SUMMARY: Purified water is water that has been processed to remove contaminants like dirt and chemicals. In many countries, tap water is purified to make it safe for human consumption.
While tap water is safe to drink in many areas, it may still contain trace contaminants.
For example, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets legal limits that are considered safe for consumers for over 90 contaminants in drinking water.
However, the Safe Water Drinking Act gives individual states the ability to regulate their own drinking water standards, as long as they meet the EPA’s minimum requirements for contaminants.
This means that some states have more stringent drinking water regulations than others.
Although measures are taken to ensure that public drinking water is safe for consumption, it can contain trace amounts of contaminants that could negatively impact health.
For instance, the heavy metals lead, and copper are incredibly toxic to health. They can cause stomach distress and lead to brain damage when ingested over time.
These heavy metals have been known to leach into drinking water, even in countries where public water sources are carefully regulated.
By using in-home water filters or drinking purified bottled water, drinking water undergoes another level of purification that can remove metals, chemicals, and other contaminants, depending on the type of purification system used.
Water purification systems like charcoal filters remove chlorine, a common chemical added to the public water supply as a disinfectant.
Several studies have linked chlorinated water to an increased risk of certain cancers, including colorectal cancer.
Another benefit of water purification is that it removes unpleasant tastes associated with chemical treatments, organic matter or metal plumbing, leaving you with fresh, pure-tasting drinking water.
SUMMARY: Water purification removes contaminants that may remain in drinking water and improves water quality and taste.
While purified water has many health benefits, it also has some potential drawbacks.
For example, fluoride is a mineral that is added to public drinking water supplies in some countries to improve dental health and reduce dental decay.
Although this practice has led to decreased tooth decay in children, especially in at-risk areas, some argue that fluoridated water is not worth the potential health risks associated with its use.
Excessive fluoride levels can be toxic to both brain and nerve cells, and long-term exposure to high levels of fluoride has been linked to learning, memory and cognitive deficits.
However, experts argue that the level of fluoride found in drinking water is safe and beneficial in reducing tooth decay, especially in children who are only exposed to fluoride through drinking water.
Research on the safety and efficacy of fluoridated water is ongoing, but those who drink purified water should be aware that some purification systems remove fluoride from drinking water.
Some other disadvantages of purified water include:
·        Upkeep: Water purification systems must regularly be maintained. If not properly managed, contaminants can build up in old filters and leach into your drinking water.
·        May does not remove some pollutants: Although water purification systems remove many contaminants, certain pesticides and chemicals may remain in purified water depending on the type of purification used.
·        Cost: Both installing an in-home water purification system and buying purified bottled water can be expensive, with some systems costing hundreds of dollars.
·        Waste: Buying purified water in plastic bottles leads to a significant amount of waste, as does dispose of used filters from in-home purification systems.
SUMMARY: Water purification may not remove all contaminants from drinking water, and specific purification systems can be costly and involve upkeep. Specific purification methods remove fluoride, a mineral added to drinking water to improve dental health.
Distilled water has gone through the process of distillation to remove impurities.
Distillation involves boiling water and collecting the steam, which returns to pool upon cooling.
This process is very effective at removing contaminants like bacteria, viruses, protozoa like giardia and chemicals like lead and sulfate.
Due to the fact that distilled water is exceptionally pure, it is commonly used in medical facilities and laboratories.
Though drinking distilled water is not as ordinary as drinking other types of purified water, some people choose to drink it because it is free of contaminants.
Benefits of Distilled Water
Water distillation is an efficient way to remove contaminants from drinking water.
Levels of pesticides and other chemicals in public water sources like tap water will depend on your geographic location and the agencies that regulate drinking water safety in your country.
Distilled water is substantially free of contaminants like pesticides and bacteria, which could be especially helpful to those with weakened immune systems.
For example, those with HIV/AIDS and certain cancers are at an increased risk of becoming sick from impurities in food and water and may benefit from drinking distilled water.
What’s more, like some other purification methods, distilled water effectively removes chlorine from drinking water, which can improve the taste of water while decreasing your exposure to chlorine.
Potential Risks of Distilled Water
While distilled water is the purest type of water, it’s not necessarily healthiest.
The distillation process is very effective at removing potentially harmful contaminants, but it also removes the natural minerals and electrolytes found in water.
Along with unwanted impurities, beneficial minerals like calcium and magnesium are also left behind as the steam rises during the distillation process.
In fact, distillation typically removes around 99.9% of all minerals found in tap water.
Though water is not usually thought of as a source of minerals, any factor that leads to a decreased intake of essential micronutrients could negatively impact your health.
For example, drinking water that's low in calcium and magnesium has been associated with an increased risk of fracture, preterm birth, and heart disease).
However, it’s important to note that tap water is not a significant source of mineral intake for most people, and drinking distilled water should be relatively safe as long as a well-balanced diet is followed.
Like other methods of purification, distillation removes fluoride from drinking water, which may put those who choose to drink distilled water at an increased risk of cavities.
This makes it essential for those who drink distilled water to maintain proper dental hygiene.
SUMMARY: Distilled water is a type of purified water that is virtually free from contaminants. The distillation process removes fluoride and natural minerals found in drinking water.
In most cases, public drinking water sources like tap water are safe due to the strict contaminant limits set by regulatory agencies.
However, drinking water can become contaminated from natural sources or human activity, affecting water quality.
For this reason, it may be a good idea to invest in an in-home water purification system, especially those who are immunocompromised and more susceptible to becoming ill from contaminated water.
In countries where water contamination is an issue, especially in developing countries with lack of proper sanitation, choosing bottled or purified water is always the safest option.
Many types of purification systems are available, including charcoal and UV filters, which remove impurities that may survive the initial, large-scale purification process that most tap water goes through.
That being said, in countries where public drinking water is regulated for quality and safety, drinking tap water is relatively safe.
If you question the quality of your tap water, you can test the water by purchasing a home test kit or contacting a water testing agency in your area.
SUMMARY: Though consuming tap water is safe in countries where drinking water is regulated, water purification may be necessary for areas where water contamination is an issue.
Most public sources of drinking water are regulated for safety, but some people choose to use home water purifiers to further improve water quality.
Household water treatment units can improve the taste or odor of tap water and remove specific contaminants.
Point-of-use (POU) treatment systems purify only the water that is used for consumption (drinking and cooking). Point-of-entry (PUE) treatment systems typically treat all of the water entering a home.
POU systems are less expensive and therefore more commonly used in households.
These filtration systems attach to the faucet or sit under the sink and also come in free-standing water pitchers with built-in filters like the popular Brita water filter.
Some refrigerators also come with built-in water purification systems.
Most in-home water filtration systems use the following purification techniques:
·        Filtration: Filtration systems trap unwanted impurities in the surface or pores of an absorbent medium. Charcoal filters fall into this category.
·        Reverse osmosis: These systems use a semipermeable membrane that removes impurities.
·        UV light: UV light filtration systems use ultraviolet light to disinfect water by killing potentially harmful bacteria and viruses.
Depending on the type and model, prices can range from $20 to hundreds of dollars.
No matter what type of filter you choose, be sure to look for brands with certifications from regulatory agencies like the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and NSF International.
These agencies certify that home water purification systems meet or exceed national drinking water standards.
Home water purification systems must be adequately maintained. As a result, it’s essential to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for upkeep, including filter replacement, to ensure that your water is being adequately purified.
SUMMARY: There are many ways to purify your drinking water, including charcoal filters, UV light filtration systems and reverse osmosis systems.
Access to clean drinking water is vital to health.
While most sources of public drinking water are strictly regulated and safe to drink, many prefer to drink purified water.
Purified water is relatively safe and may reduce exposure to specific contaminants that can be found in tap water.
Remember that water quality can vary depending on where you live. This should be the determining factor when choosing to drink purified water or tap water.
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source : Water  

Tuesday 9 January 2018

11 Ways You're Inadvertently Causing Inflammation

We’ve all experienced inflammation. Think of that sprained, swollen ankle, that cut finger, or that miserable head cold. Inflammation makes its presence known in a rather loud, unmistakable way; it hurts, it can be swollen, and warm to the touch. This is acute inflammation and is a beneficial and necessary part of our immune system.
However, when inflammation doesn’t heal but instead, continues to spew out low levels of inflammatory compounds, it becomes chronic or silent inflammation. This continual process is the core cause of most illness, disease, faster-aging and weight gain. A powerful tool to combat inflammation comes not from the pharmacy, but from the grocery store.
Here are 11 ways you're inadvertently creating inflammation:
1. You're not drinking enough water.
When cells are deprived of this essential nutrient, cellular function slows down, nutrients are not delivered adequately, your metabolism slows, and this can affect every organ in the body from your heart to your skin. A lack of adequate water intake can result in serious health conditions along with fatigue, foggy thinking, headaches, joint pain, hunger, cravings, weight gain and much more. Drink a minimum of half your body weight in ounces of water daily.
2. You're eating the wrong type of grains.
Choose whole grains that have not been stripped of their fiber and nutrients. In contrast, grains that are refined and on the ingredient list labeled as ‘wheat’ or ‘wheat flour’ (as opposed to ‘whole wheat’) create an inflammatory response identical to sugar. Opt instead for whole grains such as whole oats, brown rice or quinoa.
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3. You're drinking diet soda.
Diet sodas contain artificial, laboratory-made sweeteners that can lead to an increased insulin response that can trigger weight gain, type 2 diabetes and other inflammatory health conditions. Make a lateral shift: choose sparkling water flavored with fruit or cucumbers or sodas sweetened with natural stevia.
4. You're eating processed foods.
Processed foods are inflammatory and one of the reasons many people are overweight and/or sick. Every country that has adopted the highly processed diet becomes unhealthy. Processed foods such as fast foods and junk foods are created to be highly rewarding and overconsumption.
5. You're regularly eating sugar.
Sugar is the number one inflammatory “food.” Sugar and its cousin, high fructose corn syrup, are two of the many sweet culprits that can have serious inflammatory health consequences including heart disease, diabetes, obesitycancer, and even aging skin.
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6. You're missing cultured foods.
Cultured foods such as yogurt or sauerkraut promote an abundance of healthy gut bacteria that fight inflammation. Cultured foods also boost your immunity and help you lose weight.
7. You aren't getting enough leafy greens.
Dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, kale, broccoli, chard, and collards) are packed with anti-inflammatory nutrients that reverse inflammation in the body.

8. You're getting too little Omega-3 fats (and too many Omega 6 Fats)
Omega 3 fats help to effectively reverse inflammation. There is an imbalance between omega 3 fats and omega 6 fats in the average diet. Both types of fat are essential for optimal health and can only be found in our diet.
However, most people should aim for more Omega 3 and less Omega 6. Foods that pack in Omega 3 are wild salmon, sardines, walnuts, flax seeds, and fish oil supplements.
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9. You're using the wrong cooking oils.
Swap out inflammatory cooking oils such as vegetable oil, canola oil, soy oil or corn oil. They have a very high omega-6 content and very low omega-3 content, which encourages inflammation. Instead, use anti-inflammatory oils such as olive oil, macadamia nut oil, coconut oil or red palm fruit oil.
10. You're not exercising.
Not regularly moving your body can create inflammation. Exercising promotes healthy cellular function and reduces the markers for inflammation. Almost any type of workout that raises your heart rate counts, such as brisk walking, playing tennis, mowing the lawn, or even gardening.
11. You're carrying excess weight.
Every fat cell, if overstuffed with fat, produces compounds that promote a vicious cycle of weight gain and inflammation. Drop the excess weight and your inflammation will decrease as well.

source: Lori Shamek