10 Proven Everyday Healthy Lifestyle Tips
1. Practice Healthy Eating.
Healthy Salad Ingredients Wow, is that general enough for you? To put it as simply as possible, eating healthy means not eating the foods that are harmful to your body. But there's more.
Add to your diet the foods that are beneficial to your body. That's not all - how, when and why you eat also affect your health! I give you lots more information and guidance on eating in my eating guidelines, eating tips, and healthy snack ideas pages. Please read them! Educate yourself!
Two Important Eating Changes To Start With:
Eliminate any food containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
Add almonds to your diet (for more info, see my list of healthy food).
2. Drink The Right Beverages.
Orange Juice If you're a soda pop drinker, start weaning yourself off of it. Why? If you drink diet sodas, the artificial sweeteners may be harming your health (my dangerous food additives page gives more info).
All non-diet sodas are so loaded with sugar you'll start your blood sugar on a roller-coaster ride - not good. And the carbonation and phosphoric acid (especially in colas) contribute to osteoporosis, a debilitating bone disease.
A Healthy Beverage Change to Start With:
If you're a soda pop drinker, drink half as much soda as you normally would and start drinking more water (add a splash of citrus or pomegranate juice to it if you don't like plain water).
3. Keep a Food Journal.
Nutrition Journal This is considered by many to be one of the most helpful healthy lifestyle tips. Don't only write down what you eat, but the circumstances surrounding it - where, when, why, how you felt before eating, how you felt after eating, how hungry you were before, how hungry you were after.
If you're eating too much (check out my page on food portion size for more details), or eating unhealthy foods with the knowledge that they're harmful to your health, journaling is an excellent way to understand why you're doing this to yourself. When you figure out why you can help yourself.
Start With This:
Buy an attractive journal that you will enjoy writing in. If you feel like starting to journal about your eating, do it. Write as little or as much as you like. A good place to start? Write a note about what you ate and WHY you ate it (were you hungry, bored, anxious, feeling bad about yourself, wanting to reward yourself?).
4. Supplement with Vitamins and Minerals.
Vitamin Symbols Because of our modern lifestyles and the way our foods are now grown and produced, it's hard for any of us to get all the vitamins and minerals in quantities that will actually benefit us.
Begin With These Supplements:
Start supplementing with Vitamin D, especially if you're dark-skinned, live in a part of the world that doesn't get a lot of suns, or don't spend much time outside (read my page on the Benefits of Vitamin D for more information on this amazing vitamin).
Has your vitamin D level tested if possible? In any event, a good Vitamin D dosage to start with is 1,000 IU per day (go for Vitamin D3).
Calcium Citrate Bottle - Benefits of Calcium
Vitamin D Capsules - Benefits of Vitamin D
Magnesium Chemical Element - Benefits of Magnesium
5. Take Other Proven Supplements.
Two such supplements are Omega 3 fatty acids (found in wild salmon and krill oils), and Turmeric (often found as curcumin in supplement form).
For Right Now:
Start supplementing with Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine ( black pepper extract). More than 600 health benefits of Turmeric for everything you need to know about this wonderful herb. When shopping for it, look for whole curcumin (rather than isolated), standardized for 95% curcuminoids. Take 400 - 600 mg, two times per day.
6. Move Your Body.
Move Your Body We all need physical activity to stay healthy. You will look and feel better by adding exercise to your daily routine.
If you already have exercise as part of your life, keep doing it. You know that no list of healthy lifestyle tips would be complete without exercise on it!
To Get Started:
If you're new to exercising or simply dread the thought of exercising, refer to my pages on motivation to use and how to start exercising to discover ways to make yourself want to get active. For now, write down at least two ideas you'll use to motivate yourself. Read my page on exercise tips to help yourself overcome any of those obstacles that seem to stand in your way.
7. Get Outside in Nature.
Healthy Life, An important key to a healthy lifestyle, is to be connected to nature and other creatures. For more information on something called Eco-therapy, refer to my page on treatments for depression.
Commit to This Now:
Get outside in nature for at least 15 minutes every day, if possible. Not only is it good for your head, but it's also good for your body (read my page on Vitamin D and osteoporosis to appreciate what I'm talking about).
8. Start Eliminating Plastics From Your Life.
Takeya Water Bottle Healthy lifestyle tips need to take into consideration your physical environment and the products you use. Replace your plastic food storage containers and beverage bottles with glass ones (like the really nice Takeya Water bottle). I talk all about creating a healthy home on my eco-friendly products page.
To Start With:
Toss any scratched plastic containers (my plastic containers page tells you why).
Don't microwave or reheat any more foods in plastic containers or covered with plastic wrap (cover with wax paper or a paper towel or a coffee filter instead).
Toss any scratched plastic containers (my plastic containers page tells you why).
Don't microwave or reheat any more foods in plastic containers or covered with plastic wrap (cover with wax paper or a paper towel or a coffee filter instead).
9. Stop Using Harmful Beauty Products.
Green Cosmetics Facial, Many pages on natural beauty products and phthalates and parabens, give you all the information you need to start making healthier purchases.
Starting Today:
Eliminate all lotions, potions, cosmetics, shampoos, etc. that contain Parabens, Fillers, Lanolin, Artificial Colours, Artificial Fragrances, Petroleum by-Products and Mineral oils!
Starting Today:
Eliminate all lotions, potions, cosmetics, shampoos, etc. that contain Parabens, Fillers, Lanolin, Artificial Colours, Artificial Fragrances, Petroleum by-Products and Mineral oils!
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10. Live a Life Full of Meaning and Purpose.
Having to mean in your life is one of the most important, yet overlooked, healthy lifestyle tips. We all need to have a purpose. Without meaning and purpose, you're not really living, you're just existing.
For Now:
Ask yourself the hard question - are you doing what you were put here to do? If not, why. Brought in writing what you want your life to be about. Start the thinking process now!
Walking the Shore
If you've gotten this far, you realize the importance of a living a healthy life. For me, this means doing those things that nourish and protect your body, mind, and spirit. I hope my healthy lifestyle tips above give you a place to start in creating a future that will bring you health and happiness.
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