Friday, 16 December 2016

Juice Diets - The Benefits

Squishing fruit and vegetables is an excellent way to give your body a jump-start of good nutrition. I mentioned a good many benefits in my previous article but wanted to develop in more detail these ideas. Juicing is ever more popular, and we have started to understand how helpful to the body it can be, but some of the articles I have seen on my studies, seem to get a bit confusing. I don’t want to hear a load of medical terms about the mystery of how my body works, I want to know in simple ways; what it achieves and how good it is for me. I like things put directly, so I shall try to do this just below;
I'm going to set-out 3 excellent reasons why juicing is perfect for your body:

1. Juiced fruit and veg are digested by the body easier than food that isn’t juiced meaning the natural goodness gets into your system quicker.
2. When you juice, you are consuming more fruits and veggies than you would actually eat if they were whole. The result being there is more concentrated vitamin and mineral natural goodness in your body.

3. Detoxification – Simply put, all the packaged food we eat have many kinds of chemicals, for instance, preservatives and colorings, which are not natural for our body and can be harmful over time. Drinking freshly squeezed juice helps to wash these harmful chemicals (toxins) away
The following are how the body can benefit from juicing:

Having a healthy heart and improving the cardiovascular system:
The health packed vitamins in Fruit and veg like vitamins C and E help the blood to work efficiently and to stop it clotting. You may be aware of Cholesterol and Triglycerides, but quite simply they are the fat content in your blood which can cause, amongst other things, heart disease. Healthy blood makes everything run smoothly (Cardiovascular system) and so is excellent for your vital organs and a healthy heart. Vitamin C is evident in most vegetables and fruits, some more so than others. Some may surprise you, here are the 10 with the most:

1: Red and Green Hot Chilli Peppers
2: Guavas
3: Bell Peppers
4: Herbs such as Thyme & Parsley
5: Greens such as Kale and cress (Dark & leafy)
6: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts
7: Kiwi Fruits (Chinese Gooseberries)
8: Papayas (aka Lechoza, Mamão, Pawpaw)
9: Oranges, mandarins, tangerines, etc.
10: Strawberries

Vitamin E is present in the following fruit and vegetables; mango, blackberries, kiwi, asparagus and spinach.
Potassium in the heart & liver is beneficial because it helps to balance the effects of salt which can be negative which appears to be in everything we eat today. Fruit and vegetables rich in Potassium are; broccoli, peas, tomatoes, citrus fruits, cantaloupe, bananas, and apricots. Another reason Juicing is important is that you don't consume too many natural vitamins whereas taking into your bodies too many vitamins through supplements is not such a good idea.
Magnesium is vital vitamin to make the heart work efficiently and ensuring a heart that beats constantly. All sorts of berries, passion fruit, guava, dates, Banana’s, avocadoes and many types of beans are rich in Magnesium.
Not only, in juicing, can you find a lot of these crucial vitamins and minerals but it also causes weight loss which also contributes to less strain on the body’s vital organs. 

Detoxification of the body
The liver has lots of important purposes, such as getting rid of unwanted chemicals and toxins and ensuring the blood is clean. As I have previously mentioned, these toxins are discovered in the food we consume and are so common nowadays and juicing enables the dilution of chemicals and toxins and enables the body to extricate them.
You could have heard of the nutrients I am just about to list which can all be helpful in detoxifying the body by making the liver strong; antioxidants beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and N-acetyl cysteine and niacin. You will discover a rich source of these nutrients in; Lemons, oranges and limes, Onions, carrots, artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, beet, turmeric, and oregano.

Alkalizing your body (using vegetables):
In general, you will find that fruit is acidic, to balance this out it is beneficial to consume foods which are more alkali in nature (such as vegetables) that is why it is best to mix fruit and veggies when preparing to juice. This process can be quite complicated and needs some assistance. I have recommended a great course that provides for you to keep this balance and shows you just what fruit and vegetables you should be juicing and how the combinations work and what the benefit is.
I haven't got enough time in this article to go into why your bodies PH level should be less acidic, so I have set forth just a few reasons;
• Improved brain function
• Ensures blood sugar levels are normal
• Makes sure Cholesterol levels are maintained
• Efficient heart function
• helps to keep the circulatory system and that it is healthy
• Encourages normal energy levels
• Ensures healthy bones and joints,
• a healthy immune system
• Healthy digestion

Helping with healthy skin, hair, nails and eyes:
Some vitamins & minerals are excellent for healthy looking hair & skin. Vitamins A, C, E and Zinc (to name a few)

Vitamin A helps to strengthen your teeth, soft tissue, mucous membranes, vision, and skin. Vitamin A is found in dark green vegetables, Carrots, pumpkin, spinach, grapefruit, apricots and broccoli all have healthy levels of beta carotene. Beta-carotene (as an antioxidant), protects the body in its fight against free radicals, which sound like a dodgy bunch of left wingers but are actually not very helpful molecules that make you look older and-and contribute to chronic diseases.
By juicing blackberries and blueberries together will provide you with an excellent source of vitamins C and E.

A deficiency in riboflavin (vitamin B2) is known to be a cause of cracked lips, hair loss, dermatitis, oily skin and other types of skin conditions.
Fruit & veg full of Riboflavin are; Avocado, Banana, grapes, mangoes, passion fruit, mulberries, Kale, spinach, mushrooms, and asparagus.
For good healthy eyes, the best vitamin is vitamin A and specifically beta-carotene, which can be discovered in orange colored fruits and vegetables. Vitamin A is made from Beta-carotene by the body. I no doubt guess that you have heard it said that eating carrots help you to see better when it is dark! Well, you wouldn't be a long way from the truth, they have been scientifically proven to help your eyesight as vitamin A is essential for the retina to function properly and prevent a condition called night blindness happening.

Burning off energy!!
To juice vitamin and mineral packed fruit and veg mean one's body is filled with energy. Something like filling up your car with the best type of engine oil rather than really low-quality cooking
oil or something similar, you get the idea!!

Weight loss
With the name 'diet' in the title, you guessed this would come up. It's just what you have been 'weighting' for (sorry!!) I think you know the answer, It's why you've got this far. Nearly everyone has a sweet tooth (Unless you’re abnormal and probably not reading this!) The thing I love about fresh fruit and veg is the natural sweetness, Only that which is natural and healthy not processed. I really want to help you lose a bit of weight and feel so much healthier in your own skin, but it's not only about weight loss, it’s the buzz of your body feeling healthy as well.

I hope you enjoyed reading it!

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