Monday 29 May 2017


Worrying is an unnecessary evil that if not checked, can grow into a habit that undermines your happiness.
While it is a popular belief that worrying can help you learn from your experience, the fact is that you can’t control the future. Hence, worrying only does harm to your overall health.
You need to stop worrying about the future, and these tips will be of great help.
1.  Put you your thoughts on paper
If you are worrying so much that you can’t even fall asleep, then write your thoughts down. In so doing, your brain will relax as it will no longer have to remember every detail. According to scientists, chronic worriers could also be chronic problem avoiders.
This was confirmed by scientists in the Journal of Anxiety, Stress & Coping. The scientists asked worriers to write down three possible results for the situations they were worried about. After evaluating the answers, they concluded:
‘When participants’ problem elaborations were rated for concreteness, both studies showed an inverse relationship between the degree of worry and concreteness: The more participants worried about a given topic, the less concrete was the content of their elaboration. The results challenge the view that worry may promote better problem analyses. Instead, they conform to the view that worry is a cognitive avoidance response. ‘

2.  Exercise 

According to a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, exercise is extremely useful in the case of anxiety.
Exercise also increases the heart rate and perspiration and controls blood pressure, which is also a common physical symptom of stress.
Hence, when you start worrying, consider going outside and spend some minutes walking. While at it, try to focus on the external sounds, like that of birds.
3.  Meditate

Meditation is effective when it comes to training your brain not to worry a lot. According to the people who have mastered the art of brain training, you should observe the thoughts as they get into your mind and then leave it as clouds on a windy day.
In conclusion, it advisable to pay attention to what really matters in your life and ignore the things that make you get worried.
4. Supplementation
According to people, who experience anxiety right after opening their eyes a premium blend of herbal ingredients designed to provide results is an alternative method to >>>  MAINTAIN A BALANCED, POSITIVE MOOD. Supplements containing pure non-artificial or addictive ingredients, drug-free and non-habit forming to give you the peace of mind is an option. Knowing what you're taking is safe and will not be subject to any harmful side effects is a must. Read labels, or reviews, talk to friends. Combined with the above practices - 1,2 & 3 will boost the results at its best!

                                                                                                                                                                source: StopWorry

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