Wednesday, 1 March 2017

10 Foods You Should Never Eat After Age 30

Let’s face it! Everyone ages as time passes. Nothing can really turn back the clock- neither denial nor plastic surgery. Just like your choices of clothing, hair styling, entertainment, or even people change as you mature, so should your dietary preferences. No matter how passionately you love certain foods, your body might feel otherwise once you cross a certain age barrier. Here are 10 foods that you should probably stay away from once you turn 30!

1. Protein Or Energy Bars

Believe it or not, protein and energy bars do not exactly supply you with either of those. Maybe you could have gotten away with shirking breakfast by munching on an energy bar when you were younger. But as you age, it is necessary that you eat right and eat actual food, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Besides that, these bars contain many unwanted ingredients like glycerin, sorbitol, whey protein, fructose and dextrose which can really mess with your system.

2. White Bread And Bagels

Anything that is made out of refined flour is bad news for you. White bread and bagels have extremely high sugar and glucose contents in them which can disrupt the production of collagen and many wrinkle-controlling proteins. It’s better to switch to bread and bagels that are made out of whole grains in order to keep a check on your weight and blood sugar levels.

3. Oreos

As heartbreaking as it may sound, your favorite cream cookies are jam-packed with calories and fats. It was excusable to pig out on Oreos when you were younger because a quick visit to the gym could melt away those calories. But things are not so easy when you have crossed 30, as weight loss through exercise does not come easily to your not-so-youthful body. Let’s just leave the Oreos to kids!

4. Microwavable Butter Popcorn

Love how butter popcorn melts on your tongue? Well, your body does not love it as much. When consumed plain, popcorn is a healthy and wholesome snack. But the added flavors and fat present in butter popcorn have the potential to block your arteries and bring you one step closer to heart disease.

5. Margarine

Substitutes for butter like margarine often contain numerous partially hydrogenated oils. These trans fats are commonly linked to heart disease and clogged arteries. Additionally, these fats are capable of speeding up your skin’s aging process and increasing your vulnerability to ultraviolet radiation.

6. Processed Meat

Processed meats like bacon, ham, salami, and sausages can cause your skin to sag prematurely. Not to mention how these meats are cocktails filled with nitrates and nitrites that stimulate oxidative stress. This disrupts the production of collagen and elastin, which are proteins that help your skin remain youthful. You can try switching to nitrate-free processed meats if you cannot do without bacon and ham for breakfast.

7. Sugar-Free Snacks

Sticking to sugar-free snacks are not stopping you from gaining extra pounds around your middle? Chances are that the artificial sweeteners are disrupting your liver from functioning properly. Avoiding foods that contain fake sweeteners will help revive your vital organs and keep a check on your weight.

8. Iced Coffee

Many studies prove that high blood pressure is linked with premature aging. Canned soups have high levels of sodium which can cause your blood pressure to shoot up. Another reason to stay away from canned soups is BPA; a common canned soup ingredient that is associated to infertility, weight gain and cancer.

9. Canned Soup

Many studies prove that high blood pressure is linked to premature aging. Canned soups have high levels of sodium which can cause your blood pressure to shoot up. Another reason to stay away from canned soups is BPA; a standard canned soup ingredient that is associated with infertility, weight gain, and cancer.

10. Beer And Cocktails

Aging bodies find it difficult to metabolize alcohol efficiently, which could lead to food cravings. Alcohol can also disrupt your sleep pattern once you grow older, which is another factor that causes premature aging and weight gain. Alcohol is also known to dehydrate your skin and break down its elasticity. So, it might be wise to find solace in fruit juices and smoothies to be on the safe side.

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