Saturday, 19 November 2016

The Dangerous Ways to Lose Weight

The Dangerous Ways to Lose Weight

Quick weight loss is an extremely profitable industry because millions of people want to lose weight fast and believe in the advertised “magic” methods and pills. So focused on weight loss, they tend to do unproven and potentially dangerous things that can cause serious health problems. Losing weight is often a difficult and long process. It takes time and hard work to decrease the weight which was put on your body for months or years. If you use unhealthy means to do this, there is a very high chance that you will gain weight faster when you turn back to your normal habits. The only healthy way to lose weight is through a balanced exercise and nutrition program.
In the rows below, we have summarised the weight loss methods which are supposedly quick and easy, but are really dangerous for your health.

Starvation and Very Low-Calorie Diets

Starvation means long-term food restriction. The zero-calorie trend is one of the most popular among people who want to lose weight. Specialists alarm it is extremely dangerous, especially for young people, whose organisms are still growing.
  • The zero-calorie trend leads people to consume harmful artificial sweeteners in the name of their aim.
  • The menu does not include enough calories or nutrients for the body to function properly. Weight is lost from all compartments of the body- water, fat, muscles and even bones.
  • Self-induced starvation diets can cause eating disorder called anorexia nervosa.
  • People who use starvation for weight loss regain all the weight and usually even more when they resume their previous eating habits.
  • Very low-calorie diets can induce a lack of energy, lowered immune system, diminished mental capacity, weak bones, and even death.


Purging means purposely caused vomiting the food right after eating. The eating disorder bulimia nervosa is marked by eating large amounts of food and purging the food from the stomach.
Even people who do not suffer from bulimia have used purging as an aid for weight loss. Purging is usually used after large unhealthy meals. This act is based on the premise that the person will be satisfied by eating the food, but the calories will not be absorbed.
Purging leads to many problems. The most common is malnutrition due to throwing away the essential nutrients obtained by the food.
Acids in the stomach are extremely strong. They are necessary to prepare food for digestion and absorption. Stomach content is meant to stay in the stomach, not to be returned into the throat and mouth. Acidic vomiting can cause erosion in the stomach, mouth and on tooth enamel. This can increase the risk for certain types of cancer, ulcers, tooth decay, and more when purging happens regularly.


Laxatives are in the form of pills, powders, suppositories and teas, which induce bowel movements and thus used for weight loss.
The wrong belief is that laxatives prevent absorption of consumed foods. The truth is that calories of the food have already entered the bloodstream by the time the laxative takes effect. So, the only weight loss from the laxative is the weight of water. Done as a ritual every day, improper use of laxatives can lead to serious dehydration and hemorrhoids.

Extreme exercising
The body of a starving person trying to lose weight is already malnourished, and extreme exercising can even worsen the things. It increases the risk for injury, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. On the psychological side, the person turns exhausting exercise into punishment for eating. This obsessive idea can begin to control his life in an unhealthy way.
Exercising is needed for weight loss and keeping healthy weight, but taken with a moderate approach.


Research has indicated that smoking sends signals to the brain that increase metabolic rate and thus suppresses the appetite. Even though, the positive effects are quite insignificant when compared to the negative consequences of smoking. This dangerous method leads to long-term damage since the body is weakened and very susceptible to infections.

Drugs and pills

Supplements, legal drugs and pills have been used for weight loss for years. They must be prescribed by a credible doctor, who carefully weighs the benefits and possible harms of their use. The Purchasing, or ordering of such, should be from trusted pharmacies, retailers, or on-line platforms. All the Health and Personal care products are FDA approved and GMP approved. Otherwise, drugs and pills are considered an unhealthy way to lose weight. Self-prescription can severely damage your brain, heart and other vital organs.

Lifestyle change is the key to losing weight in a healthy manner. Nutritious eating, moderate exercise plan, enough sleep and overall balance in your life can lead to the weight you would fit best in and keep for long. Your body is counting on you!
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